
Eastern and North-East India

West Bengal in eastern India is the land of the ubiquitous bangla hut that went on to influence mainstream Hindu and Mughal architecture all over India. It is doubtful if any other architectural feature anywhere in the world has been so widely adapted as this simple bangla or bangaldar hut. Complete architectural structures have been adapted to this graceful form, in whole or in parts, like bangaldar roofs and eaves.

The Islands

The islands of Andamans, Nicobar and Lakshadweep have vernacular traditions unique to their tribal cultures and based on available building material. The lifestyles on the islands vary from the hunting and food gathering existence of the negroid Jarawa and Onge to the mongoloid Nicobarese. The Sentinelese are still unapproachable on their islands and they appear to be in the hunting and food gathering stage. Lakshadweep with its turquoise waters has its own remarkable lifestyles and huts made of daub and thatch.